About MTG

The MIT Musical Theatre Guild is the oldest and largest theatre organization at MIT, and we are entirely student-run! Formed from the merger of the MIT Gilbert and Sullivan Society, the Classical Musical Society, and the Tech Show Society in 1971, we produce a wide variety of Musical Theatre. We perform four shows a year so there is plenty of opportunity to act, sing, dance, tech, design, direct, and produce. So, if you want to be part of a great art form, come investigate MTG!

Frequently Asked Questions about the Guild.

MTG Policy and Documentation

Support us by donating here!

With general inquiries, please contact mtg-board@mit.edu.

MTG Officers (Summer & Fall 2024)

Position Name
President Grace Anderson (Graduate Student)
Treasurer Estevan Cortez (MIT 2025)
Secretary Lucille Fuller (MIT 2027)
Publicity Director Richard Yeboah (MIT 2026)
Member at Large Jon Rosario (MIT 2024)
Member at Large Charlotte Wickert (MIT 2023)
Member at Large Brendon Murphy (MIT 2026)

Appointed Positions (Summer & Fall 2024)

Position Name
Archivist Mariel Rojas (Community Member)
Corresponding Secretary Lucille Fuller (MIT 2027)
Costume Shop Manager Ellie Jaffe (MIT 2025)
Documentarian Mariel Rojas (Community Member)
Hair & Makeup Manager Ellie Jaffe (MIT 2025)
Lights & Sound Manager Rin Desikan (MIT 2025)
Wiki Manager Jon Rosario (MIT 2024)
Properties Shop Manager Grace Anderson (Graduate Student)
Webmaster Jon Rosario (MIT 2024)

We are currently looking for:

  • Set Shop Manager